Direct marker positioning – Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual
Page 735
6 RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference
Marker Function
never offscreen. Users who depended on this clipping behavior by setting Band Span to a high
value in order to force Band Power markers to the left and right edges of the screen will have to
rewrite their code.
Furthermore, since markers could never be offscreen, Band Power always returned a valid result.
In the X-Series, if either edge of the Band is offscreen, Band Power returns not a number as a
7. Direct Marker Positioning
The following commands were used in ESA and PSA to directly set the marker to a specific trace
point (“bucket”) position when they were being used in Span Pair and Delta Pair/Band Pair
They are aliased very similarly to the non-position commands (above) however a translation
to/from trace points (buckets) is also performed:
Old command
Aliased to
In each case but the first (:X:POSition:CENTer),the analyzer first converts the specified value in
trace points to the current X Axis Scale Units (for example, frequency or time) of the trace upon
which the marker resides. Then, that value is used in the alias command to set the desired
The query form of the command returns the marker function span in trace points (buckets) by
translating back based on the X Axis Scale settings at the time the query is sent.
Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference