Attenuation – Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual

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6  RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference


+23 dBm + RL Offset – External Gain (for EXA and CXA)

This maximum value is determined by the maximum power that can be safely applied to the
input circuitry.  The actual maximum value at any given time may be even less than this,
depending on other values including Mech Atten, Int Preamp Gain, Swept IF Gain, FFT IF Gain,
Max Mixer Level, and the  total attenuation currently available. 

Note that the maximum reference level is unaffected by the input choice of external mixing.

Default Unit

Depends on the current selected Y axis unit

Backwards Compatibility

1. In PSA, there was a restriction on Ref Level Max which was that it could not exceed 0 dBm

when the preamp was on. This restriction does not apply to X-Series.

2. Ref Level – Ref Level is a display function, not a measurement control function, so a change

in the setting does not start a new sweep (unless attenuation changes).  This behavior differs
from that of legacy analyzers

Initial S/W Revision

Prior to A.02.00

Amplitude Representations

The following is an illustration of the reference level and Y Axis scales under various conditions:


This menu controls the attenuator functions and interactions between the attenuation system

There are two attenuator configurations in the X-Series.  One is a dual attenuator configuration
consisting of a mechanical attenuator and an optional electronic attenuator.  The other

Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference