Min search, Peak data query (remotecommand only), Query the signal peaks (remote command only) – Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual

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6  RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference
Peak Search

CALC:MARK:Y? queries the delta amplitude value for marker 1.


Turns on the Marker

active function.


Sending this command selects the subopcoded marker.


Pk-Pk Search is grayed out when Coupled Markers is on.


The selected marker becomes a delta marker if not already in delta mode.

State Saved

Not part of saved state.

Initial S/W Revision

Prior to A.02.00

Min Search

Moves the selected marker to the minimum y-axis value on the current trace. Minimum (negative)
peak searches do not have to meet the peak search criteria. It just looks for the lowest y-axis
value. If the selected marker is Off, it is turned on before the minimum search is performed.

Key Path

Peak Search

Remote Command



CALC:MARK:MIN Selects marker 1 and moves it to the minimum amplitude value.


Sending this command selects the subopcoded marker.

State Saved

Not part of saved state.

Initial S/W Revision

Prior to A.02.00

Peak Data Query (RemoteCommand Only)

This command works the same way in this and many other measurements.  For details about this
key, see

"Remote Measurement Functions" on page 111


Query the Signal Peaks (Remote Command Only)

Provided for backwards compatibility with ESA and PSA. It is recommended that you use

Outputs the signal peaks by frequency or by amplitude. This command uses only Trace 1 data.
The sort mode is determined by the command :TRACe:MATH:PEAK:SORT. The commands
:CALCulate:MARKer:PEAK:EXCursion and :CALCulate:MARKer:PEAK:THReshold are used to
determine what is a signal peak. To get the number of signals found meeting the specified limits,
use the query :TRACe:MATH:PEAK:POINts?


Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference