Points – Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual

Page 1237

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6  RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference





State Saved

Saved in instrument state

Compatibility SCPI


ESA compatibility

Initial S/W Revision

Prior to A.02.00

Remote Command



ESA compatibility



Initial S/W Revision

Prior to A.02.00


Sets the number of points taken per sweep, and displayed in the traces.   The current value of
points is displayed parenthetically, next to the sweep time in the lower-right corner of the
display.  Using more points provides greater resolution. Using fewer points compacts the data and
decreases the time required to access a trace over the remote interface.

Increasing the number of points does not increase the sweep time; however, it can slightly impact
the trace processing time and therefore the overall measurement speed.  Decreasing the number of
points does not decrease the sweep time, but it may speed up the measurement, depending on the
other sweep settings (for example, in FFT sweeps). Fewer points will always speed up the I/O.

Due to minimum sweep rate limitations of the hardware, the minimum sweep time available to the
user will increase above its normal value of 1 ms as the number of sweep points increases above

Changing the number of sweep points has several effects on the analyzer. The sweep time
resolution will change. Trace data for all the traces will be cleared and, if Sweep is in Cont, a new
trace taken.  If any trace is in average or hold, the averaging starts over.

When in a split screen display each window may have its own value for points.

When sweep points is changed, an informational message is displayed, "Sweep points changed, all
traces cleared." 

Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference