Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual

Page 901

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6  RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference

Peak Search

In the event that a sequence of trace points with precisely the same values represents the maximum, the
leftmost point is found.


"More Information" on page 901


Key Path

Peak Search, Peak Criteria, “Next Peak” Criteria

Remote Command



:CALCulate:MARKer:PEAK:EXCursion:STATe OFF|ON|0|1




:CALC:MARK:PEAK:EXC 30 DB sets the minimum peak excursion requirement to 30 dB


Available only when Y axis unit is amplitude units, otherwise grayed out.


Whenever you adjust the value of Pk Excursion (with the knob, step keys, or by completing a
numeric entry), and Peak Threshold is turned ON, the Peak Threshold Line and the Peak
Excursion Region are displayed.


6.0 dB



6.0 dB


State Saved

Saved in instrument state


0.0 dB


100.0 dB

Initial S/W Revision

Prior to A.02.00

More Information

If two signals are very close together and the peak excursion and threshold criteria are met at the
outside edges of the combined signals, this function finds the highest of these two signals as a
peak (or next peak). However, if a signal appears near the edge of the screen such that the full
extent of either the rising or falling edge cannot be determined, and the portion that is on screen
does not meet the excursion criteria, then the signal cannot be identified as a peak.

When measuring signals near the noise floor, you can reduce the excursion value even further to
make these signals recognizable. To prevent the marker from identifying noise as signals, reduce
the noise floor variations to a value less than the peak-excursion value by reducing the video
bandwidth or by using trace averaging.

Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference