Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual

Page 1352

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6  RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference

Remote Command

[:SENSe]:DETector:AUTO ON | OFF | 1 | 0





SCPI only. Turns AUTO on or off for ALL detectors. This is a legacy command to preserve the
classic functionality wherein all traces are affected when a detector is addressed


The query returns the Auto state of Trace 1.

Initial S/W Revision

Prior to A.02.00


This sets the detector for the current selected trace to Normal (Rosenfell).

When the signal is CW-like, it displays the peak-detected level in the interval (bucket) being
displayed. If the signal is noise-like (within a bucket the signal both rose and fell), it alternates
displaying the max/min values. That is, an even bucket shows the peak (maximum) within a two-
bucket wide interval centered on the even bucket. And an odd bucket will show the negative peak
(minimum) within a two-bucket wide interval. For example, for an even bucket the two-bucket
wide interval is a combination of one-half bucket to the left of the even bucket, the even bucket
itself, and one-half bucket to the right of the even bucket, so the peak found will be displayed in
the correct relative location on screen. The odd buckets are similar.

Key Path

Trace/Detector, Detector


DET:TRAC3 NORM Sets the detector to normal for trace 3.


Selecting any detector (even the currently selected detector) for a given trace turns Update and
Display on for that trace.

Normal detector is grayed out when the X scale is Log.


Selecting a specific detector type turns “Auto” to false for this trace (manual).

Selecting a detector for a trace (pressing the key or sending a [:SENS]:DET:TRAC command) puts
Update On and Display On for that trace, even if that detector was already selected. Note that
the legacy command [:SENS]:DET[:FUNC] does NOT exhibit this behavior.

Selecting a detector, whether by pressing the softkey or sending the equivalent SCPI command,
will turn trace math to Off for the selected/specified trace.

Initial S/W Revision

Prior to A.02.00

Average (Log/RMS/V)

For each bucket (interval) in the trace, Average detection displays the average of the amplitude
within the bucket using one of the following averaging methods:


Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference