Trace (+state) – Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual

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6  RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference



:MMEM:REG:STAT:LAB 1,”my label”


is an integer from 1 to 16. If the SCPI specifies an invalid register number an error
message is generated, –222,"Data out of range;Invalid register label number"

“label” is a string from 0 to 30 characters in length.  If a label exceeds 30 characters, an error
message is generated, –150,“String data error;Label clipped to 30 characters”

“label” of length 0 erases the custom label and restores the default (time and date) label.  E.g.: 


N9060A–7FP or N9060B–2FP license required to edit the register names.  When the feature is
not licensed, sending this command generates an error, –221,"Settings conflict;Option not


The names are unaffected by Preset or power cycle but are set to the default label (time and
date) on a “Restore System Defaults->Misc”

Initial S/W Revision


More Information

When you edit one of the register names, the time and date field will be replaced by the custom

If you delete all the characters in the custom name, it restores the default (time and date). 

The register names are stored within the state files, but they are not part of the instrument state;
that is, once you have edited a register name, loading a new state will not change that register
name. Another consequence of this is that the names will be persistent through a power cycle. 
Also, if a named state file is transferred to another analyzer, it will bring its custom name along
with it. 

If you try to edit the name of an empty register, the analyzer will first save the state to have a file
to put the name in.  If you load a named state file into an analyzer with older firmware it will
ignore the metadata.

The *SAV and *RCL commands will not be affected by the custom register names, nor will the
MMEM commands. 

Trace (+State)

The Save Trace (+State) menu lets you choose a register or file specifying where to save the
Trace+State state file. 

A saved state contains all of the settings and data required to return the analyzer as closely as
possible to the exact setup it had when the save occurred. This includes the Input/Output


Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference