Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual
Page 1054
6 RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference
This menu is the same as the Select Trace menu under Trace. The trace selected on that menu
appears selected here, and selecting a trace here causes the same trace to be selected on the Select
Trace menu. (That is, there is only one "selected trace".)
The next step in the Save process is to select the Save As key in the Export Data menu.
Key Path
Save, Data, Trace
auto return
When you select which trace to save, it makes that trace the current trace, so it displays on top
of all of the other traces.
Not part of Preset, but is reset to TRACE1 by Restore Mode Defaults; survives shutdown
State Saved
The current trace number is saved in instrument state.
Initial S/W Revision
Prior to A.02.00
Pressing this key selects Limit Lines as the data type to be exported. Pressing the key a second
time brings up the Limit Menu that allows you to select which Limit Line to save.
"Limits File Contents" on page 1055
".csv file format" on page 1055
".lim file format" on page 1056
Key Path
Save, Data
Remote Command
:MMEM:STOR:LIM LLINE2, "myLimitLine2.csv" Saves the 2nd Limit Line to the file
myLimitLine2.csv in the current path. The default path is My Documents\SA\data\limits
If the save is initiated via SCPI, and the file already exists, the file will be overwritten.
Using the C: drive is strongly discouraged, since it runs the risk of being overwritten during an
instrument software upgrade.
Both single and double quotes are supported for any filename parameter over SCPI.
This key will only appear if you have the proper option installed in your instrument.
1; not part of Preset, but is reset by Restore Mode Defaults and survives power cycles
State Saved
The selected Limit number is saved in instrument state.
selected Limit Line
Status Bits/OPC
Sequential - waits for previous measurement to complete
Initial S/W Revision
Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference