Meas – Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual

Page 784

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6  RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference


Pressing the Meas key displays a menu of measurements that are available in the current mode.
For the N9061A RLC mode, there is only one available measurement selection: RLC Swept SA, which
is selected by default.

Operation for some keys differs between measurements. The information displayed in Help pertains to the
current measurement. To examine how a key operates in a different measurement, exit Help (press the
Cancel Esc key), select the measurement, then reenter Help (press the Help key) and press that key.

This topic describes the operation of the Meas key. For information about SCPI commands used for
measurements, and data returned by the corresponding queries, see

"RLC Swept SA Measurement

Front-Panel & SCPI Reference" on page 784


"Remote Measurement Functions" on page 111


Key Path

Front-panel key

Initial S/W Revision

Prior to A.02.00

RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference

The Swept SA measurement uses both swept and FFT analysis, and the frequency and time
domains. For more details, see

"Swept SA Measurement Description" on page 787


In many of the key and command descriptions that follow, reference is made to the "Spectrum Analyzer
Mode" and "Swept SA Measurement". In all cases, the information applicable to this mode and
measurement also applies to the RLC Mode and RLC Swept SA Measurement.

Measurement Commands and their Results for Swept SA

The INITiate and CONFigure syntax, as well as the data returned by the queries FETCh, MEASure
and READ, are described in this section.

Note that the data returned by FETCh?, MEASure? and READ? uses the data settings specified by
the commands FORMat:BORDer (see

"Format Data: Byte Order (Remote Command Only)" on page


) and FORMat:DATA (see

"Format Data: Numeric Data (Remote Command Only)" on page 124


and can return real or ASCII data. If the format is set to INT,32, it returns REAL,32 data.

For more measurement related commands, see the SENSe subsystem, and the


Measurement Functions" on page 111



Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference