Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual
Page 698
6 RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference
Key Path
Marker, Properties
Remote Command
:CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|...12:TRACe 1|2|3|4|5|6
CALC:MARK1:TRAC 2 places marker 1 on trace 2.
A marker may be placed on a blanked and/or inactive trace, even though the trace is not visible
and/or updating.
An application may register a trace name to be displayed on the key instead of a trace number.
The state of Marker Trace is not affected by the Auto Couple key.
If a Marker Trace is chosen manually, Auto Init goes to Off for that marker.
Sending the remote command causes the addressed marker to become selected.
Presets on Preset or All Markers Off
State Saved
The Marker Trace and state of Auto Init for each marker is saved in instrument state.
Readback line
[TraceN, Auto Init] or [TraceN, Manual] where N is the trace number to which the marker is
currently assigned.
Initial S/W Revision
Prior to A.02.00
Auto Init On
When Auto Init is true, the marker’s trace attribute is re-determined automatically by the analyzer
whenever the marker turns on (Normal, Delta or Fixed) from an Off state. (The trace attribute is
also determined for all markers that are on, whenever Auto Init is turned on).
When the marker moves between traces the marker’s X position in trace points is retained as it
moves. For moving between active traces this generally means the x-axis value of the marker will
not change. But for moving to or from an inactive trace, the x-axis value will take on that of the
new trace at the bucket the marker was on the old trace (and is still on, on the new trace, since
the bucket doesn’t change).
Note this is true even if the marker is off screen. Thus, a marker that is at the center of the screen
on the old trace stays at the center of the screen on the new trace. A marker that is off screen one
whole screen to the left on the old trace remains off screen one whole screen to the left on the new
trace – even if this means it will be at negative time!
Marker Trace is set to 1, and Auto Init is set to On, on a Preset or All Markers Off.
Auto Init Rules Flowchart
The following flowchart depicts the Auto Init rules:
Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference