Delta, Fixed – Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual
Page 678
6 RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference
Remote Command
:CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|...12:STATe OFF|ON|0|1
Initial S/W Revision
Prior to A.02.00
Sets the control mode for the selected marker to Delta and turns on the active function for setting
its delta value. If the selected marker was Off, it is placed at the center of the screen on the trace
specified by the marker’s Trace attribute.
In Delta mode the marker result shows the relative result between the selected (Delta) marker and
its reference marker. A delta marker can be moved to any point on the X Axis by specifying its X
Axis offset from a reference marker. Its absolute Y Axis value is then the value of the trace point
at that X Axis value.
Key Path
:CALC:MARK:MODE DELT sets marker 1 to Delta.
See the description under the “ Marker” key.
State Saved
The marker control mode (Normal, Delta, Fixed, Off) and X Axis value are saved in instrument
Backwards Compatibility
Previously, pressing Delta (or sending the CALC:MARK:MODE:DELTa command) always
moved the reference marker to the delta marker. Now it only does so if the marker was already a
delta marker.
Initial S/W Revision
Prior to A.02.00
Sets the control mode for the selected marker to Fixed. A fixed marker is fixed in the sense that it
stays where you place it. It can be directly moved in both X and Y. It can be moved with a Peak
Search. It can also be indirectly moved by re-zeroing the delta if it is a relative marker. If it is
moved, it again becomes fixed at the X Axis point it moved to and it has a Y-axis result that it
took on when it moved there. If a Normal or Delta marker is changed to Fixed it becomes fixed at
the X Axis point it was at, and with the Y-axis result it had when it was set to Fixed.
In Fixed mode the marker result shows:
If no Marker Function is on, the absolute X Axis and Y axis value of the marker
Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference