Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual
Page 1460
6 RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference
The zoom region is indicated by a blue shading over the whole region. In the top window, this
indicates which subset of the data is zoomed in the bottom window. The entire Zoom Window is
shaded, to indicate that it represents the zoom region. You can set the span of the Zoom Window
using the Zoom Span key (in the Span menu) and you can set the Center Frequency of the Zoom
Window using the Zoom Center key (in the Frequency menu).
It is important to emphasize that the data and state in the two windows are identical. The Zoom
Window is simply a close-up view of a region of the top window's traces. Therefore all traces and
markers are the same in both windows; and any state changes you make affect both windows.
You set the number of sweep points shown in the Zoom Window separately from the top window.
Changing the number of points in the top window does not change the Zoom Span; hence the
number of points in the bottom window will change by the same proportion as the change in the
top window. Conversely, changing the number of points in the bottom window will change the
Zoom Span and does not change the number of points in the top window, because the more
points you show in the bottom window, the greater is the percentage of the top window which
you are showing in the bottom.
Two functions in Trace Zoom depend on which window is selected (the selected window has a
thick green border around it). When the Zoom Window (bottom window) is selected, the Points
key in the Sweep/Control menu changes to Zoom Points and adjusts the number of points in the
bottom window. Also, for all Peak Search functions, if the bottom window is selected the search
function will operate ONLY within that window. This allows you to perform a Peak Search over a
specified, limited frequency range, while still viewing the larger frequency range in the top
If you have just switched to the Zoom Window via SCPI (using the :DISP:WIND function) you should wait
at least one second before performing a Peak Search, to ensure that SCPI will direct the Peak Search
command to the correct window.
Note that in Trace Zoom, the Span cannot go below 10 Hz. The Zero Span key is grayed out in
Trace Zoom, and the Last Span key will do nothing if the last span was zero span. If, on entry to
Trace Zoom, the Span is 0 Hz, the Span will revert to the last nonzero span.
Key Path
Because Trace Zoom is a split-screen View, no other split screen views are available in Trace
Zoom. These include Peak Table, Marker Table, and the Limit and Ampcor editors. The keys that
access these functions are grayed out while in Spectrogram.
Initial S/W Revision
Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference