Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual
Page 750
6 RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference
Marker Function
If in Auto, then whenever the Span changes, the Band Span for Marker Noise is changed to 5%
of the new Span.
If in Man, the Band Span does not change when the Span is changed.
The Band Span is set to 5% regardless of whether or not this would place part of the Band
offscreen. The Marker Noise function is well able to function with part of the band offscreen.
This function only affects Marker Noise. The key only appears when Maker Noise is the Marker
Function for the selected marker.
Note that, if in Zero Span, “Span” should be replaced by “Sweep Time” and “Band Span” should
be replaced by “Band Interval”, in the above specification and in the table below:
Key Path
Marker Function, Band Adjust
Remote Command
:CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|...12:FUNCtion:BAND:SPAN:AUTO ON|OFF
:CALC:MARK12:FUNC:BAND:SPAN:AUTO ON sets the band span of marker 12 to Auto
:CALC:MARK:FUNC:BAND:SPAN:AUTO? queries the auto band span state of Marker 1
This only appears when the Marker Function for the selected marker is Marker Noise. If the
SCPI command is sent to a marker that does not have Marker Noise selected, it is honored but of
course, the user will not see any indication of this.
When Auto Band Span is turned on, it immediately adjusts the band span to 5% of the Span.
If the Band Span is changed, either by the Band/Interval Span key, the Band/Interval Left key, or
the Band/Interval Right key, or the equivalent SCPI commands, this function is set to Man.
This function is set to Auto on Preset and when the Auto Couple key is pressed.
This function is set to Auto when Marker Noise is turned on, if the value of Band/Interval Span
is 0. Note that this test must be performed before Band/Interval Span is initialized, because
Band/Interval Span is initialized to 5% if Band/Interval Span is 0 when the marker function is
turned on.
Sending this command selects the subopcoded marker.
State Saved
Saved in instrument state
Backwards Compatibility
In legacy analyzers, the Noise Marker had a width that was always equal to 5% of the span. But
in the X-Series it is possible for the user to change the span of the Marker Noise band using
the Band Adjust function. To preserve the legacy behavior, the Band Span Auto/Man
function is provided. When it is in Auto, which it is by default, the Maker Noise band is
always held at 5% of Span, even if the Span changes. When the user adjusts the Marker
Noise Band Span, Band Span Auto/Man is set to Manual. So the legacy behavior is
preserved, but now the user can set the Marker Noise Span as well and that setting will be
preserved when Span is changed.
Initial S/W Revision
Prior to A.02.00
Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference