Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual

Page 828

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6  RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference
Meas Setup


returns a zero if limit line 1’s associated trace has no failure, 1 if there is a margin or limit failure.


This command is identical to :CALC:LLIN:FAIL?

Initial S/W Revision


Limit Clear (Remote Command Only, SCPI standard conformance)

Clears a limit line, and all associated data. This command is identical to “:CALC:LLIN:DEL”

Remote Command



deletes all data for limit line 2.


This command is identical to :CALC:LLIN:DEL

Initial S/W Revision


Trace Fail? (Remote Command Only)

Tests a trace against all associated limit lines. Returns a 0 if the trace is within all limits and
margins, a 1 if the trace exceed either the limit or the margin. If no limits apply to the selected
trace, this will automatically return a 0.

Only applies to limits that are turned on, if a Limit is off it will not be tested.  If a Trace is not
displaying it will still be tested, and if Test Limits (All Limits) is off the Trace will still be tested.

This command ignores limit lines that are assigned to other traces.

Remote Command



returns a zero if there is no failure, 1 if the trace exceeds either the limit or the margin.

Initial S/W Revision


Fixed / Relative Limit (Remote Command Only)

This command sets both Relative to CF and Relative to RL simultaneously for all limits. If
queried, it returns whether Limit Line 1 is set Relative to CF, and ignores all other fixed/relative

Remote Command

:CALCulate:LLINe:CMODe FIXed|RELative


Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference