Mkr->ref lvl, Peak criteria – Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual

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6  RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference
Peak Search


Same as specified under Marker To

Initial S/W Revision

Prior to A.02.00

Mkr->Ref Lvl

Assigns the selected marker’s level to the Reference Level setting. See the Section “

"Marker To" on

page 778

” for the description of this function. The key is duplicated here in the Peak Search

Menu to allow you to conveniently perform a peak search and marker to RL without having to
access two separate menus.

Key Path

Peak Search or Marker ->


Same as specified under Marker To

Initial S/W Revision

Prior to A.02.00

Peak Criteria

Pressing this key opens the Peak Criteria menu and allows you to adjust the Pk Threshold and Pk
Excursion parameters used for peak search functions.

For a signal to be identified as a peak it must meet certain criteria. Signals in the negative
frequency range and signals very close to 0 Hz are ignored. If either the peak excursion or peak
threshold functions are on, then the signal must satisfy those criteria before being identified as a

When peak excursion and peak threshold are both off:

Peak Search, Continuous Peak Search,

and maximum part of Pk-Pk Search will search the trace for

the point with the highest y-axis value which does not violate the LO feedthrough rules. A
rising and falling slope are not required for these three peak search functions.

The remaining search functions Next Peak, Next Pk Right, etc. will only consider trace points

which have a rising and falling slope on the left and right respectively.

Key Path

Peak Search

Backwards Compatibility

In the ESA, this menu was called Search Criteria; in the PSA, it was called Search Param. 

The menu structure in X-Series is different (for clarity) but the functionality is essentially the
same.  Basically, the Peak Excursion and Peak Threshold keys appeared at the top level of this
menu in the PSA/ESA, whereas in the X-Series they are one level down under “Next Peak”

Initial S/W Revision

Prior to A.02.00


Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference