Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual

Page 1050

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6  RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference


auto return


When you select which trace to save, it makes that trace the current trace, so it displays on top
of all of the other traces.


Not part of Preset, but is reset to TRACE1 by Restore Mode Defaults; survives shutdown

State Saved

The current trace number is saved in instrument state.

Initial S/W Revision

Prior to A.02.00

Select Trace

These softkeys let you pick which Trace to save. Once selected, the key returns back to the Export
Data menu and the selected trace name/number is annotated on the key.   The default is the
currently selected trace, selected in this menu or in the Trace/Det, Import Data, Recall Trace or
Save Trace menus, except if you have chosen All then All remains chosen until you specifically
change it to a single trace.

The All selection saves all six traces in one .csv file with the x-axis data in the first column and
the individual trace data in succeeding columns. The header data and x-axis data in this file
reflect the current settings of the measurement. Note that any traces which are in View or Blank
may have different x-axis data than the current measurement settings; but this different x-axis
data will not be output to the file.

This menu is the same as the Select Trace menu under Trace. The trace selected on that menu
appears selected here, and selecting a trace here causes the same trace to be selected on the Select
Trace menu. (That is, there is only one "selected trace".)

The next step in the Save process is to select the Save As key in the Export Data menu.

Key Path

Save, Data, Trace


auto return


When you select which trace to save, it makes that trace the current trace, so it displays on top
of all of the other traces.


Not part of Preset, but is reset to TRACE1 by Restore Mode Defaults; survives shutdown

State Saved

The current trace number is saved in instrument state.

Initial S/W Revision

Prior to A.02.00

Select Trace

These softkeys let you pick which Trace to save. Once selected, the key returns back to the Export
Data menu and the selected trace name/number is annotated on the key.   The default is the


Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference