Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual

Page 1381

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6  RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference


Normalize On/Off

Normalize (On) activates the normalize function. On each sweep, the normalized trace (Trace 3) is
subtracted from Trace 1 and the result is added to the normalized reference level. This arithmetic
assumes all values are in decibel units, so we are actually taking a ratio.


"More Information" on page 1381



"Normalize Block Diagram" on page 1383


Key Path

Trace/Detector, Normalize

Remote Command

:CALCulate:NTData[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1






If Normalize (On) is pressed before Store Ref (1→ 3), an error message is generated. 
Normalize remains off in this case.

Normalize is not available (grayed out) if any Trace Math function is on.


When Normalize is turned on, Trace 1 is placed in Clear/Write with Update = On and Display =



State Saved

Saved in instrument state.

Initial S/W Revision

Prior to A.02.00

More Information

The normalize function is most useful for applying correction data to a trace while making a
stimulus-response measurement with a tracking generator (or synchronized source). For example,
connect the cables and a through line, in place of the device to be measured, between the tracking
generator and the analyzer input. Notice that the frequency response is not perfectly flat, showing
the response of the cables, as well as the flatness of both the tracking generator and the analyzer.
Now press Store Ref (1→ 3), Normalize On. Notice that the displayed trace is now flat, or
normalized. The position of the normalized trace can now be moved to a different position on the
display by changing the normalized reference position. This may be useful if the device to be
tested has positive gain, such as an amplifier. Now replace the through line with the device under
test, and an accurate measurement of the gain or loss can be made.

The normalize function can also be use to perform a scalar reflection measurement (return loss). 
In this case a directional coupler or bridge is used to extract the reflected signal.  In the simplest
reflection measurement a Short is placed at the end of the cable and the result is stored to trace 3

Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference