Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual

Page 1177

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6  RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference


Initial S/W Revision

Prior to A.02.00

Modified at S/W


Key Path

Sweep/Control, Sweep Setup

Remote Command






Pressing Auto Couple always sets FFT Width to Auto.



State Saved

Saved in instrument state

Initial S/W Revision

Prior to A.02.00

More Information

An FFT measurement can only be performed over a limited span known as the “FFT segment”. 
Several segments may need to be combined to measure the entire span. For advanced FFT control
in the X-Series, you have direct control over the segment width using the FFT Width control.
Generally, in automatic operation, the X-Series sets the segment width to be as wide as possible,
as this results in the fastest measurements.

However, in order to increase dynamic range, most X-series models provide a set of analog
prefilters that precede the ADC.  Unlike swept measurements, which pass the signal through a
bandpass before the ADC, FFT measurements present the full signal bandwidth to the ADC,
making them more susceptible to overload, and requiring a lower signal level.  The prefilters act to
alleviate this phenomenon - they allow the signal level at the ADC to be higher while still avoiding
an ADC overload, by eliminating signal power outside the bandwidth of interest, which in turn
improves dynamic range. 

Although narrowing the segment width can allow higher dynamic ranges some cases, this comes at
the expense of losing some of the speed advantages of the FFT, because narrower segments
require more acquisitions and proportionately more processing overhead.

However, the advantages of narrow segments can be significant. For example, in pulsed-RF
measurements such as radar, it is often possible to make high dynamic range measurements with
signal levels approaching the compression threshold of the analyzer in swept spans (well over 0
dBm), while resolving the spectral components to levels below the maximum IF drive level (about
–8 dBm at the input mixer). But FFT processing experiences overloads at the maximum IF drive
level even if the RBW is small enough that no single spectral component exceeds the maximum IF

Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference