Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual
Page 1270
6 RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference
attenuator and Electronic attenuator alignments on the RF Preselector path. The purpose of
these alignments is to improve the RF Preselector path amplitude variation compared to the
bypass path.
Key Path
System, Alignments, Align Now
Remote Command
:CALibration[:ALL]? returns 0 if successful
:CALibration[:ALL]? returns 1 if failed
:CALibration[:ALL]? is the same as *CAL?
While Align Now, All is performing the alignment, bit 0 in the Status Operation register is set.
Completion, or termination, will clear bit 0 in the Status Operation register.
This command is sequential; it must complete before further SCPI commands are processed.
Interrupting the alignment from remote is accomplished by invoking Device Clear followed by the
:ABORt command.
Successful completion will clear bit 14 in the Status Questionable Calibration register.
An interfering user signal is not grounds for failure of Align Now, All. However, bits 11 and 12 are
set in the Status Questionable Calibration register to indicate Align Now, RF is required.
An interfering user supplied signal will result in the instrument requiring an Align Now, RF with
the interfering signal removed.
Initializes the time for the Last Align Now, All Time.
Records the temperature for the Last Align Now, All Temperature.
If Align RF component succeeded, initializes the time for the Last Align Now, RF Time.
If Align RF component succeeded, records the temperature for the Last Align Now, RF
Status Bits/OPC
Bits 11, 12, or 14 may be set in the Status Questionable Calibration register.
Initial S/W Revision
Prior to A.02.00
Remote Command
*CAL? returns 0 if successful
*CAL? returns 1 if failed
:CALibration[:ALL]? is the same as *CAL?
Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference