Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual

Page 822

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6  RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference
Meas Setup

If the trace is at or within the bounds of all applicable limits, but outside the bounds of some
applicable margin, the text “Trace x Fail Margin” will be displayed in amber, where x is the trace
number.  A separate line is used for each reported trace.

If the trace is outside the bounds of some applicable limits, the text “Trace x Fail” will be
displayed in red, where x is the trace number.  A separate line is used for each reported trace.

If the trace has no enabled limits, or the trace itself is not displayed, no message is displayed for
that trace.

The PASS/FAIL box in the corner of the Meas Bar is only displayed if there is at least one “Trace
Pass/Fail” indication displayed in the graticule.

If two amplitude values are entered for the same frequency, a single vertical line is the result. In
this case, if an upper line is chosen, the lesser amplitude is tested. If a lower line is chosen, the
greater amplitude is tested.

This command only affects the display, and has no impact on remote behavior.  Limit queries
over SCPI test the trace against the limit regardless of whether the trace or the limit is turned on 
(exception:  the query :CALCulate:TRACe[1]|2|3|4|5|6:FAIL? tests only the limits that are turned
on for that trace).

Key Path

Meas Setup, Limits

Remote Command




:CALC:LLIN:TEST ON turns on testing, and displays the results in the upper left corner.


On, not affected by Mode Preset, preset by Restore Mode Defaults.

State Saved

Saved in instrument state.

Initial S/W Revision


X-Axis Unit

Selects how the limit-line segments are defined. Pressing X Axis Unit selects whether the limit
lines will be entered using frequency (Freq) or sweep time (Time) to define the segments. They
can be specified as a table of limit-line segments of amplitude versus frequency, or of amplitude
versus time..  When the X-Axis Unit is set to Time, a time value of zero corresponds to the start of
the sweep, which is at the left edge of the graticule, and the column and softkey in the Limit Table
Editor will read Time instead of Frequency

Switching the limit-line definition between Freq and Time will erase all of the current limit lines. 
When you do this from the front panel, a warning dialog will pop up letting you know that you
are about to erase all the limit lines, and prompting you to hit “OK” if you are sure: 


Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference