Marker mode compatibility, Span pair compatibility, Delta pair/band pair functionality – Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual
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6 RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference
Marker Function
Note that all of the alias commands described below cause the specified marker to become
1. Marker Mode compatibility
To setup Band Power measurements in the ESA and PSA, you had to send the
:CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4:MODE POSition|DELTa|BAND|SPAN|OFF
command with either the BAND or SPAN parameter, in order to turn on the marker control modes
that let you use a pair of delta markers as Band Power markers. In the X-Series this is no longer
necessary, as there are no special marker modes for Band power. So when this command is sent
with either a BAND or SPAN parameter it is aliased to simply turn on Normal markers. Thus:
Old command
Aliased to
2. Span Pair Compatibility
In the past, the Span Pair function was used with a marker pair to set the band for Band Power.
The following SCPI commands were used when performing this setup programmatically:
These commands are now aliased as follows to preserve the old functionality as much as possible:
Old command
Aliased to
3. Delta Pair/Band Pair functionality
Another way to set the marker pair for Band Power was with the Delta Pair function (Band Pair
in ESA). The following SCPI commands were used when performing this setup
Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference