Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual
Page 1419

6 RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference
to OFF, and the external sync source rate is changed for some reason, the periodic timer is
synchronized at the every external synchronization pulse by resetting the internal state of the
timer circuit.
Key Path
Trigger, Periodic Timer
Remote Command
The invalid data indicator turns on when the period is changed, until the next
sweep/measurement completes.
The same period is used in the Gate Source selection of the period timer.
20 ms
GSM: 4.615383
State Saved
Saved in instrument state
100.000 ns
559.0000 ms
Default Unit
Initial S/W Revision
Prior to A.02.00
Adjusts the accumulated offset between the periodic timer events and the trigger event. Adjusting
the accumulated offset is different than setting an offset, and requires explanation.
The periodic timer is usually not synchronized with any external events, so the timing of its
output events has no absolute meaning. Since the timing relative to external events (RF signals) is
important, you need to be able to adjust (offset) it. However, you have no direct way to see when
the periodic timer events occur. All that you can see is the trigger timing. When you want to
adjust the trigger timing, you will be changing the internal offset between the periodic timer
events and the trigger event. Because the absolute value of that internal offset is unknown, we will
just call that the accumulated offset. Whenever the Offset parameter is changed, you are changing
that accumulated offset. You can reset the displayed offset using Reset Offset Display. Changing
the display does not change the value of the accumulated offset, and you can still make
additional changes to accumulated offset.
To avoid ambiguity, we define that an increase in the "offset" parameter, either from the knob or
the SCPI adjust command, serves to delay the timing of the trigger event.
Key Path
Trigger, Periodic Timer
Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference