Changing modes, Ac and dc coupling – Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual
Page 70
2 About the N9061A Measurement Application
Hints and Tips
Changing Modes
After changing into or out of N9061A mode, allow at least a 1 second delay before sending
subsequent commands.
AC and DC Coupling
The 8560 Series of legacy analyzers have one RF input port, and support AC and DC coupling
through the command
"COUPLE (Input Coupling)" on page 266
The 8568A/B has two RF input ports:
DC Coupled (with a BNC connector) to handle a frequency range of 100 Hz to 1.5 GHz
AC Coupled (with an N Type connector) to handle a frequency range of 100 kHz to 1.5 GHz
If the input signal to the X-series instrument has a DC component, ensure that when you select
legacy instrument emulation that involves a possible coupling change to DC, the input signal does
not exceed the input specifications of the X-series instrument.
X-series instruments also have one RF input port. When using X-Series instruments, you must use
DC coupling to see calibrated frequencies of less than 20 MHz. Signals of less than 20 MHz are not
calibrated when using AC coupling on these instruments.
Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference