External 2 – Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual
Page 1409
6 RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference
Trig Delay
Controls a time delay during which the analyzer will wait to begin a sweep after meeting the
trigger criteria. You can use negative delay to pre-trigger the instrument in time domain or FFT,
but not in swept spans.
Key Path
Trigger, External 1
Remote Command
:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:EXTernal1:DELay:STATe OFF|ON|0|1
TRIG:EXT1:DEL 100 ms
Video trigger delay may be set to negative values, in time domain, FFT and even swept. It makes
intuitive sense in time domain and works well in FFT mode where the bandwidth of the filter
before the video trigger is about 1.25 span. In swept spans, negative settings of Trig Delay are
treated as a zero setting within the internal hardware and the advisory message "Neg. Trig Delay
unavailable in Swept Mode, zero delay used." is generated when such a delay is set.
Off, 1.000 us
State Saved
Saved in instrument state
–150 ms
+500 ms
Default Unit
Compatibility SCPI
For backward compatibility, the parameter EXTernal is mapped to EXTernal1
Backwards Compatibility
The legacy :TRIGger[:SEQuence]:DELay command affects the delay for the VID, LINE, EXT1,
EXT2, and RFB triggers.
The legacy :TRIGger[:SEQuence]:OFFSet command is supported for the VIDeo, LINE, EXT1, and
EXT2 triggers.
Initial S/W Revision
Prior to A.02.00
External 2
Pressing this key, when it is not selected, selects an external input signal as the trigger. A new
sweep/measurement will start when the external trigger condition is met using the external 2
input connector. The external trigger 2 input connector is on the rear panel.
Pressing this key, when it is already selected, accesses the external 2 trigger setup menu.
Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference