More information – Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual

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6  RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference

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The Restart function first aborts the current sweep/measurement as quickly as possible. It then
resets the sweep and trigger systems, sets up the measurement and initiates a new data
measurement sequence with a new data acquisition (sweep) taken once the trigger condition is

If the analyzer is in the process of aligning when Restart is executed, the alignment finishes
before the restart function is performed.

Even when set for Single operation, multiple sweeps may be taken when Restart is pressed (for
example, when averaging/holding is on). Thus when we say that Restart "restarts a measurement,
" we may mean:

It restarts the current sweep

It restarts the current measurement

It restarts the current set of sweeps if any trace is in Trace Average, Max Hold or Min Hold

It restarts the current set of measurements if Averaging, or Max Hold, or Min Hold is on for the


depending on the current settings.

With Average/Hold Number (in Meas Setup menu) set to 1, or Averaging off, or no trace in
Trace Average or Hold, a single sweep is equivalent to a single measurement. A single sweep is
taken after the trigger condition is met; and the analyzer stops sweeping once that sweep has
completed. However, with Average/Hold Number >1 and at least one trace set to Trace Average,
Max Hold, or Min Hold (SA Measurement) or Averaging on (most other measurements),
multiple sweeps/data acquisitions are taken for a single measurement. The trigger condition must
be met prior to each sweep. The sweep is stopped when the average count k equals the number N
set for Average/Hold Number. A measurement average usually applies to all traces, marker
results, and numeric results; but sometimes it only applies to the numeric results.

Once the full set of sweeps has been taken, the analyzer will go to idle state. To take one more
sweep without resetting the average count, increment the average count by 1, by pressing the step
up key while Average/Hold Number is the active function, or sending the remote command


Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference