Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual

Page 1430

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6  RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference

Key Path

Trigger, Periodic Timer

Remote Command



:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:FRAMe:DELay:STATe OFF|ON|0|1



Note that delay is used when the sync source is not set to OFF. If the sync source is set to OFF,
offset is used.


Off, 1.000 us

State Saved

Saved in instrument state


–150 ms


+500 ms

Default Unit


Initial S/W Revision

Prior to A.02.00


Pressing this key, when it is not selected, selects the TV input signal as the trigger. A new
sweep/measurement will start synchronized with the next occurrence of the synchronizing pulse
of the selected TV line number.

Pressing this key, when it is already selected, opens a menu of TV Trigger setup functions.  The
default active function in this menu is the TV line number on which you want to trigger.

The Frame and Field options enable you to determine how the fields of the TV picture signal will
be affected by the trigger system. One complete TV image consists of one frame of 525 or 625
horizontal lines depending on the TV standard being used. Each frame is composed of two fields
of interlacing lines, each consisting of 262 1/2 lines (or 312 1/2 lines). The fields are called Field
One and Field Two. Field One is viewed as having 263 lines (or 313 lines) and Field Two is
viewed as having 262 lines (or 312 lines).

For the 525 line NTSC video standard, we refer to TV lines as follows (these are the Field Modes):

Entire Frame, lines 1 to 525

Field One, lines 1 to 263

Field Two, lines 1 to 262 (note that this really refers to "actual" lines 264 to 525)

For the 625 line PAL and SECAM video standards, we refer to TV lines as follows:

Entire Frame, lines 1 to 625

Field One, lines 1 to 313


Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference