Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual

Page 1335

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6  RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference


Compatibility SCPI


sets :TRACe:UPDate OFF, :TRACe:DISPlay OFF, for the selected trace.  In earlier analyzers, View
and Blank were trace modes, set by TRACe:MODE command.  In the X-Series, View and Blank
are two of the states set by the :TRACe:UPDate and :TRACe:DISPlay commands. The
TRACe:MODE BLANk command will yield its new equivalent, which is Update=Off, Display=Off 

Initial S/W Revision

Prior to A.02.00

More Information

When a trace becomes inactive, the following things happen:

Any update from the SENSe system (detectors) immediately stops (does not wait for end of


the trace is displayed at half intensity (as long as it stays inactive)

Inactive traces display across the entire X Axis of the instrument. Their horizontal placement
does not change even if X Axis settings subsequently are changed, although Y-axis settings will
affect the vertical placement of data.

In most cases, inactive traces are static and unchanging; however, there are cases when an
inactive trace will update, specifically:

if data is written to that trace from remote

if trace data is loaded from mass storage

if the trace is the target of a Copy or participant in an Exchange

if the trace is cleared using the Clear Trace function (below)

When a trace becomes active (Update=On), the trace is cleared, the average count is reset, and a
new sweep is initiated.

Traces which are blanked (Display=off) do not display nor appear on printouts but are otherwise
unaffected. They may be queried and markers may be placed on them.

Note that the action of putting a trace in Display=Off and/or Update=Off does not restart the
sweep and does not restart Averaging or Hold functions for any traces.

Note also that whenever you set Update to On for any trace,Display is set to On for that trace.


This key lets you set the state of the two trace variables, Update and Display. The four choices
available in this 1-of-N menu are:

Trace On: Update and Display both On

Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference