Marker – Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual
Page 667
6 RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference
The Marker key accesses the Marker menu. A marker can be placed on a trace to allow the value of
the trace at the marker point to be determined precisely. The functions in this menu include a 1-
of-N selection of the control mode Normal, Delta, Fixed, or Off for the selected marker.
The fundamental marker operation involves setting a Marker’s X-Axis value and then reading the
marker’s Y-Axis value. From the front panel you do this using the Marker menu and the green
marker readout in the upper right corner of the display. Programmatically, to set the Marker’s X-
Axis value use :CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12:X
To query the Marker’s Y-Axis value, use :CALCulate:MARKer[1]
. See
"Setting/Querying the Marker X Axis Value" on page
"Setting/Querying the Marker Y Axis Value" on page 670
for information on these
When Marker is pressed, if the selected marker is Off, pressing Marker sets it to Normal and
places it at the center of the screen on the trace determined by the Marker Trace rules. If the
selected marker is already On it will remain at the frequency/time and amplitude to which it is
already set, even if this means it will be offscreen.
Markers can be on and not be visible because they are offscreen. This may occur if you set a marker to a
frequency outside of the current settings of the Start and Stop frequencies, or in Spectrogram View, you
place a marker on a Display Trace other than 0. To move the marker on to the display, press Peak Search.
Markers may also be used in pairs to read the difference (or delta) between two data points. They
can be used in Marker Functions to do advanced data processing, or to specify operating points
in functions like Signal Track and N dB Points.
The command in the table below selects the marker and sets the marker control mode as
described under Normal, Delta, Fixed and Off, below. All interactions and dependencies detailed
under the key description are enforced when the remote command is sent.
"Marker Control Mode" on page 668
"Setting/Querying the Marker X Axis Value" on page 668
"Setting the Marker X Position in Trace Points" on page 669
"Setting/Querying the Marker Y Axis Value" on page 670
"Marker Backwards Compatibility" on page 672
Key Path
Front-panel key
Remote Command
:CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|...12:MODE POSition|DELTa|FIXed|OFF
Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference