Detector – Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual

Page 1347

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6  RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference


Traces which are blanked (Display=off) do not display nor appear on printouts but are otherwise
unaffected. They may be queried and markers may be placed on them.

Note that the action of putting a trace in Display=Off and/or Update=Off does not restart the
sweep and does not restart Averaging or Hold functions for any traces.

Note also that whenever you set Update to On for any trace,Display is set to On for that trace.


Selects a detector. The detector selected is then applied to the selected trace.

For the SCPI UI, two commands are provided. One is a legacy command, which affects all traces.
There is also a command which is new for the X-Series, which uses a subopcode to specify to
which trace the specified detector is to be applied.

The three detectors on the second page of the Detector menu, Quasi Peak, EMI Average, and RMS
Average, are referred to collectively as the “CISPR detectors” because their behaviors are specified
by the CISPR 16–1–1 specification.

The analyzer can typically provide 3 different detectors simultaneously.   Occasionally the
analyzer can only provide 2 simultaneous detectors, typically when the Average detector is
selected.  When one of the CISPR detectors is selected, it is only possible to have that one detector
so all active traces change to that detector.  It is never possible to have more than 3 simultaneous


"More Information" on page 1350

Key Path


Remote Command

[:SENSe]:DETector:TRACe[1] | 2 | ...6 AVERage | NEGative | NORMal |
POSitive | SAMPle | QPEak | EAVerage | RAVerage



DET:TRAC AVER -- Sets trace 1’s detector to average

DET:TRAC1 AVER -- Sets trace 1’s detector to average

DET:TRAC2 SAMP -- Sets trace 2’s detector to sample


When a detector selection is made, the menu returns to the previous menu.

Selecting any CISPR detector on any active trace sets the EMI Standard to CISPR.


The query returns a name that corresponds to the detector type as shown below, and indicates
the setting for Trace 1.

String ReturnedDefinition

NORM              =Normal

AVER               =Average / RMS

Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference