Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual
Page 604
6 RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference
be identical. This does not apply to Probe settings or to parameters that are determined by the
Key Path
Input/Output, I/Q, Q Setup
Remote Command
:INPut:IQ:MIRRored OFF|ON|0|1
Turn off the mirroring of parameters from I to Q.
Only displayed for the Q channel. When Yes, the I channel values for some parameters are
mirrored (copied) to the Q channel. However, when a parameter is determined by the type of
probe and a probe is sensed, the probe setting is always used and the I channel setting is
ignored. The following parameters are mirrored:
Differential Input (when not determined by probe)
Input Z (when not determined by probe)
This is unaffected by a Preset but is set to the default value (Q Same as I set to "On") on a
"Restore Input/Output Defaults" or "Restore System Defaults->All"
State Saved
Saved in instrument state.
On | Off
Readback Text
"Q Same as I" when On, otherwise none.
Initial S/W Revision
Prior to A.02.00
Q Differential Input
Selects differential input on or off for the Q channel. For differential input (also called balanced
input), the analyzer uses both the Q and Q-bar ports. When differential input is off (also called
single-ended or unbalanced input), the analyzer uses only the Q port.
Key Path
Input/Output, I/Q, Q Setup
Remote Command
:INPut:IQ:Q:DIFFerential OFF|ON|0|1
Put the Q channel in Differential Input mode
When Differential Input = On, the analyzer will check for attenuation mismatches between the Q
and Q-bar ports. If the difference in attenuation values exceeds 0.5 dB a Settings Alert error
condition, error 159 will be set.
When Q Differential Input = On, and IQ Path is I+jQ, the I Differential input must also be On.
Similarly, when Q Differential Input = Off, and IQ Path is I+jQ, the I Differential input must also
be Off. If the states of the two inputs do not match, an error condition message is generated,
Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference