Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual
Page 1362
6 RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference
Whenever a math function is turned on for a trace, that trace is set to Display=On and
OFF, TRACE5, TRACE6, 0, 0 | OFF, TRACE6, TRACE1, 0, 0 | OFF, TRACE1, TRACE2, 0, 0 | OFF,
TRACE2, TRACE3, 0, 0 | OFF, TRACE3, TRACE4, 0, 0 | OFF, TRACE4, TRACE5, 0, 0
State Saved
The trace math function for each trace is saved in instrument state.
Status Bits/OPC
*OPC can be used to detect the completion of a sweep, which will also correspond to the
completion of the math operation, since all math takes place during the sweep
Backwards Compatibility
The legacy TRACE:MATH:ADD and TRACE:MATH:SUBTract commands have been eliminated.
Initial S/W Revision
Prior to A.02.00
Math: More Information
IMPORTANT: to generate a trace math result, you must take a sweep. The trace math engine,
described below, operates in concert with the sweep engine in the analyzer. Until a sweep has
been taken, even if the constituent traces are not in Update mode, no result is generated. Note
that certain events can affect the trace in ways that affects all points at once. This can happen in
any number of ways, including:
A trace clear taking place
A trace being loaded from the file system
Trace data being sent in from the remote interface
A copy or exchange of trace data
You should try to avoid these occurrences during a sweep, as they will tend to invalidate the
math result being accumulated.
How trace math is processed:
Whenever a trace math function is turned on, or the parameters and/or operands of an existing
trace math function are changed, the destination trace is cleared. After the trace is cleared, all x-
axis values in the trace, and the domain of the trace, are set to match the X Axis settings of the
first trace operand. When this is complete, a new sweep is initiated.
The process of acquiring data, processing it using the math and average/hold functions, and
presenting it to the user as trace data, consists of several functional blocks, as shown below:
Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference