Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual

Page 902

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6  RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference
Peak Search

Pk Threshold

Turns the peak threshold requirement on/off and sets the threshold value. The peak threshold
value defines the minimum signal level (or min threshold) that the peak identification algorithm
uses to recognize a peak.

When both Pk Excursion and Pk Threshold are on, a signal must rise above the Pk Threshold
value by at least the Peak Excursion value and then fall back from its local maximum by at least the
Peak Excursion

value to be considered a peak.

For example, if a threshold value of –90 dBm is selected, the peak search algorithm will only
consider signals with amplitude greater than the –90 dBm threshold. If a threshold value of –90
dBm is selected, and Peak Excursion is On and set to 6 dB, the peak search algorithm will only
consider signals with amplitude greater than the –90 dBm threshold which rise 6 dB above the
threshold and then fall back to the threshold.

Key Path

Peak Search, Peak Criteria, “Next Peak Criteria”

Remote Command



:CALCulate:MARKer:PEAK:THReshold:STATe OFF|ON|0|1



CALC:MARK:PEAK:THR:STAT ON turns on the threshold criterion.

CALC:MARK:PEAK:THR –60 dBm  sets the threshold to –60 dBm.


When Ref Level Offset changes, Peak Threshold must change by the same amount.


–90.0 dBm


State Saved

Saved in instrument state.


The current displayed Ref Level – 200 dB. The current displayed Ref Level is  the current Ref
Level, offset by the Ref Level Offset.


The current displayed Ref Level. This means the current Ref Level, offset by the Ref Level Offset.

Default Unit

depends on the current selected Y axis unit

Initial S/W Revision

Prior to A.02.00

Pk Threshold Line

Turns the peak threshold line on or off. Preset state is off. No equivalent SCPI command.


"More Information" on page 903


Key Path

Peak Search, Peak Criteria, “Next Peak” Criteria

Initial S/W Revision

Prior to A.02.00


Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference