Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual

Page 817

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6  RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference

Meas Setup

Note that an upper limit will be built above the trace, while a lower limit will be built below the
trace. If the trace is constant, the limit should pass after being built.

Key Path

Meas Setup, Limits, Edit

Remote Command

:CALCulate:LLINe[1]|2|...6:BUILd TRACE1 | TRACE2 | TRACE3 | TRACE4 |


:CALC:LLIN2:BUIL TRACE1 builds limit line 2 based on the data in trace 1. This will overwrite the
data in the table editor.


Auto return to Edit menu.

Initial S/W Revision


Build from Trace

Builds a limit using an existing trace. This command will overwrite all data in the limit. Since a
straight copy would typically have hundreds or thousands of segments, the data will be
approximated to better represent a limit line; small excursions whose width is less than 10 trace
buckets will sometimes not be captured. Secondary parameters which are not associated with
traces (Description, Associated Trace, Type, Margin, Interpolation, Relative to CF/RL) will be

When taking a trace in order to build a limit, it will often work well to take the trace with a
resolution bandwidth wider than the expected measurement, a video bandwidth lower than the
expected measurement, and with the detector set to Max Hold or Min Hold.

Note that an upper limit will be built above the trace, while a lower limit will be built below the
trace. If the trace is constant, the limit should pass after being built.

Key Path

Meas Setup, Limits, Edit

Remote Command

:CALCulate:LLINe[1]|2|...6:BUILd TRACE1 | TRACE2 | TRACE3 | TRACE4 |


:CALC:LLIN2:BUIL TRACE1 builds limit line 2 based on the data in trace 1. This will overwrite the
data in the table editor.


Auto return to Edit menu.

Initial S/W Revision


Build from Trace

Builds a limit using an existing trace. This command will overwrite all data in the limit. Since a
straight copy would typically have hundreds or thousands of segments, the data will be
approximated to better represent a limit line; small excursions whose width is less than 10 trace
buckets will sometimes not be captured. Secondary parameters which are not associated with

Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference