Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual

Page 1351

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6  RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference


When the Detector choice is Auto, the detector selected depends on marker functions, trace
functions, average type, and the trace averaging function.

When you manually select a detector (instead of selecting Auto), that detector is used regardless
of other analyzer settings.

Multiple Detectors

The analyzer always provides the requested detector on the specified trace. Depending on the
detectors requested the analyzer can provide up to three different detectors simultaneously within
the constraints of its digital processing algorithms. Some detectors utilize more resources; the
Quasi-Peak detector, for example, utilizes most of the digital IF’s resources, and the hardware in
some analyzers is incapable of providing another detector when Quasi-Peak is on.  If the limit of
system resources is exceeded, detectors on some existing traces may be forced to change.  When
this happens, they change to match the detector just requested, and a message is generated: 
“Detector changed due to physical constraints”, where X might contain multiple values.

Example:  User has traces 1, 2, and 3 with Peak, Average, and Negative Peak.  User specifies QPD
for trace 1.  Traces 2 and 3 also change to QPD and we generate the message “Detector 2,3
changed due to physical constraints”.  Now all three traces have the QPD.


This sets the detector for the currently selected trace to Auto. (For SCPI, the trace number is
specified as a subopcode.) This will immediately apply the auto rules to determine a new detector

Key Path

Trace/Detector, Detector

Remote Command

[:SENSe]:DETector:TRACe[1]|2|...6:AUTO ON | OFF | 1 | 0



DET:TRACE2:AUTO ON Sets trace 2 detection to automatic.


The auto detector rules depend upon marker type, averaging state and type, trace state writing
mode, and trace active state.


When operating a source in Tracking Source mode, Auto selection is the Average detector.  All
other detector selections are allowed, but in most cases you will want to stick with Average,
which gives optimal sensitivity.


Selecting AUTO, whether by pressing the softkey or sending the equivalent SCPI command, will
turn trace math to Off for the selected/specified trace.


Auto (On) for all detectors.

State Saved

Saved in instrument state

Initial S/W Revision

Prior to A.02.00

Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference