Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual

Page 598

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6  RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference

I Setup

Access the channel setup parameters for the I channel.

Key Path

Input/Output, I/Q

Initial S/W Revision

Prior to A.02.00

I Differential Input

Selects differential input on or off for the I channel. For differential input (also called balanced
input), the analyzer uses both main and complementary ports. When differential input is off (also
called single-ended or unbalanced input), the analyzer uses only the main port.

Key Path

Input/Output, I/Q, I Setup

Remote Command

:INPut:IQ[:I]:DIFFerential OFF|ON|0|1



Put the I channel in Differential Input mode



When I Differential Input = On, the analyzer will check for attenuation mismatches between the
I and I-bar ports. If the difference in attenuation values exceeds 0.5 dB a Settings Alert error
condition, error  159 will be set.

When I Differential Input = On, and IQ Path is I+jQ, the Q Differential input must also be On. 
Similarly, when I Differential Input = Off, and IQ Path is I+jQ, the Q Differential input must also
be Off.  If the states of the two inputs do not match, an error condition message is generated,
159;Settings Alert;I/Q mismatch:Differential.


Some active probes include built-in differential capability. When one of these probes is sensed,
this key is disabled. Since the differential capability is handled in the probe, the Analyzer will use
only the main port and the key will show that the Analyzer's Differential Input mode is Off
(indicating that the complementary port is not in use).

When Q Same as I is On, the value set for I will also be copied to Q.



State Saved


This is unaffected by a Preset but is set to the default value on a "Restore Input/Output
Defaults" or "Restore System Defaults->All"


Off | On

Initial S/W Revision

Prior to A.02.00


Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference