Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual
Page 1263
6 RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference
The Auto Align, Alert mechanism will notify you when alignments have expired. One solution to
expired alignments is to perform the Align All, Now operation. Another is to return the Auto Align
selection to Normal.
Auto Align, Partial is recommended for measurements where the throughput is so important that a
few percent of improvement is more valued than an increase in the accuracy errors of a few
tenths of a decibel. One good application of Auto Align, Partial would be an automated
environment where the alignments can be called during overhead time when the device-under-test
is exchanged.
When Auto Align, Partial is selected the elapsed time counter begins for Auto Align Off time.
When Auto Align, Partial is selected the Settings Panel indicates ALIGN PARTIAL with a warning
icon. The warning icon is to inform the operator that they are responsible for maintaining the
warranted operation of the instrument
Key Path
System, Alignments, Auto Align
Auto Align Partial begins the elapsed time counter for Auto Align Off time.
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Initial S/W Revision
Prior to A.02.00
Auto Align, Off disables automatic alignment and the maintenance of warranted operation, for the
benefit of maximum measurement throughput. With Auto Align set to Off, you are now responsible
for maintaining warranted operation by updating the alignments when they expire. The Auto
Align, Alert mechanism will notify you when alignments have expired. One solution to expired
alignments is to perform the Align All, Now operation. Another is to return the Auto Align
selection to Normal.
The Auto Align, Off setting is rarely the best choice, because Partial gives almost the same
improvement in throughput while maintaining the warranted performance for a much longer time.
The choice is intended for unusual circumstances such as the measurement of radar pulses where
you might like the revisit time to be as consistent as possible.
When Auto Align, Off is selected the Auto Align Off time is initialized and the elapsed time counter
Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference