Clrw (clear write), Syntax, Legacy products – Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual

Page 263: Description

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5  Legacy Command Descriptions

CLRW (Clear Write)

CLRW (Clear Write)


8560 series

8566A/B, 8568A/B

Legacy Products

8560 series, 8566A/B, 8568A/B


Clears the specified trace and enables trace data acquisition. The CLRW command places the
indicated trace in clear-write mode. Data acquisition begins at the next sweep. (See the command

"TS (Take Sweep)" on page 497

for more information about data acquisition.)

TRA corresponds to Trace 1 and TRB corresponds to Trace 2.

In the 8560 series, 8566A/B, and 8568A/B analyzers, the trace settings are controlled by the trace
mode parameters, CLRW, VIEW, BLANK, MINH and MAXH and the averaging settings by VAVG. In
the X-series the same settings are controlled by the Trace/Detector and View/Blank parameters.

Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference