Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual

Page 1364

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6  RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference

For each active trace, the current trace point is processed for Trace 1, then Trace 2, then Trace 3,
etc. Trace data is taken from either the detector for that trace, or from the mathematical result of
up to two other traces and an offset, depending on whether trace math is on or not. The resultant
data is then fed to the Average/Hold processing block, where (if the trace type is Average, Max
Hold, or Min Hold) it is processed with previous trace data. The new trace data resulting from
this process is then available for display, storage or remote output.

When the processing is complete for Trace 1, Trace 2 is processed, and so on until all six traces
have been processed. This allows a downstream trace to use as one of its math components a fully
processed upstream trace. In other words, if math is on for Trace 4, and its operand traces are
Trace 2 and Trace 3, all detector, math, average and hold processing for traces 2 and 3 is
complete before the math is performed for trace 4. When the current trace point is completed for
all traces, the analyzer moves on to the next trace point.

Select Trace

Determines which trace the type control keys will affect. When you select a trace, it makes that
trace the current trace, so it displays on top of all of the other traces.

Key Path



Traces 1 and 2 cannot be selected (grayed out) when Image Shift is On.


Trace 1

State Saved

The number of the selected trace is saved in Instrument State

Initial S/W Revision

Prior to A.02.00

Select Trace

Determines which trace the type control keys will affect. When you select a trace, it makes that
trace the current trace, so it displays on top of all of the other traces.

Key Path



Traces 1 and 2 cannot be selected (grayed out) when Image Shift is On.


Trace 1

State Saved

The number of the selected trace is saved in Instrument State

Initial S/W Revision

Prior to A.02.00


Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference