Trace zoom – Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual

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6  RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference


inaccuracies within each trace are therefore reconciled with the start of the next sweep, the user
may consider the time values along a trace to be accurate enough for the purpose of making delta
time measurements between traces.  

The :TRACe:DISPlay:VIEW:SPECtrogram:

TIME? Command can be used to determine the

time that the current trace in the spectrogram started. 


In the Spectrogram View, you can put Markers on any trace in the spectrogram window.  To put a
Marker on a particular trace in the spectrogram window, set the Display Trace to the trace upon
which you want the marker, then position the marker as desired on Trace 1 in the trace window. 
When you turn a Marker on, or do any kind of Peak Search, if the Marker is a Trace 1 Marker, it
will appears on the current Display Trace.  Then when you move the Display Trace to other traces
in the Spectrogram Window, the Marker will stay on the spectrogram trace it is on. 

Markers are displayed in the Spectrogram Window as little crosses, with one bar sitting on the
trace in question and the other bar perpendicular to it.  The selected marker’s cross is green; the
others are white.

Example:  Set Display Trace to spectrogram trace number 125.  Turn on Marker 1.  Marker 1
appears on Trace 1, which is spectrogram trace number 125.  A green diamond appears on trace 1
in the trace window, and a little cross appears on spectrogram trace number 125 in the
spectrogram window.  Now set Display Trace to 200.  The trace window now shows spectrogram
trace number 200; Marker 1 disappears out of that window because it is still on spectrogram trace
number 125.  You can still see the little cross sitting on spectrogram trace number 125 in the
spectrogram window.

The selected marker displays in the upper right corner of the top window display, as always.   If
a delta marker is referenced to a marker on another Spectrogram Trace, then when the Marker X-
Axis Scale  is time, you will see the delta which represents the Y-axis delta between the two
markers, as always; but in this case the X-axis delta now includes the time between the two

When you leave the Spectrogram View, all Trace 1 Markers that were not on Display Trace 0 are
turned OFF.

Trace Zoom

In the Trace Zoom view, the screen is split into two windows.  The top window is a  normal
spectrum analyzer window, and the bottom window (“Zoom Window”) shows a “zoomed”
representation of the traces in the top window.  The data in both windows is identical, but the
bottom window typically shows fewer data points, spread across the whole display, which allows
you to see the data in those points more clearly, particularly when the trace data in the top
window is very dense (sweep points much greater than 1000).

Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference