Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual
Page 824
6 RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference
Meas Setup
each x-axis value, by repeating
Range: –1000 dBm to +1000 dBm
previously defined point to define the limit line. A "0" means that it is a point of discontinuity
and is not connected to the preceding point. The connect value is ignored for the first point.
Remote Command
1E9, –20, 0, 2E9, –20, 1, 2E9, –10, 1, 3E9, –10, 1
describes a stair-stepped limit line.
Limit line data is cleared by Restore Mode Defaults. However, it survives shutdown/restart of
the analyzer application (including power cycle)
State Saved
Saved in instrument state
Backwards Compatibility
In the past it was possible to query the limit trace as though it were a normal trace. The query of
the limit trace is not supported in the X-series.
Initial S/W Revision
Merge Limit Line Data (Remote Command Only)
Adds the points with the specified values to the current limit line, allowing you to merge limit line
data. Up to two amplitude values are allowed for each X value. If more than 200 points are
entered to be merged, the first 200 points are merged, then an error message ‘too many DATA
entries’ is reported.
Remote Command
:CALC:LLIN1:DATA:MERG 1000000000, –20, 0, 2000000000, –30, 1
merges the 10GHz segment and the 20GHz segment into limit line 1. Note that the 20GHz
segment will be connected to the next lower point, which may or may not be the 10GHz point.
This SCPI command is supported for Backwards Compatibility.
Although PSA had a limit of 200 points, it is acceptable to increase that limit.
Initial S/W Revision
Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference