Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual

Page 755

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6  RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference

Marker Function



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Saved in instrument state

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Initial S/W Revision



This key controls the placement of the Measure at Marker window on the display.

Key Path

Marker Function, Measure at Marker, Meas at Marker Window

Remote Command

:DISPlay:WINDow:MAMarker:POSition LEFT|RIGHt






State Saved

Saved in instrument state

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Initial S/W Revision



This key opens up a menu that allows you to configure the detectors to be used for the Measure at
Marker reading.   Any of the analyzer’s detectors can be used for each of the three detectors, or
any of the three can be turned off.  The dwell time for each detector is also settable.

When performing a Meas at Marker, the dwell time settings that you select will depend on the
characteristics of the emission you are measuring. The default dwell time (200 ms) should work
well for typical EUT emissions, but sometimes you will encounter emissions for which the defaults
are not optimal. This is especially the case for emissions that vary slowly over time or have a
slow repetition rate. By lengthening the dwell times you can increase the likelihood of accurately
measuring these low repetition rate signals.

When Measure at Marker is activated, the receiver makes a zero span measurement for each of the
(up to) three detectors selected, using the Dwell Time set for each detector.  If the signal's
repetition period is greater than 200 ms (the default setting), the dwell time should be increased
to capture at least two and preferably more repetitions of the signal.  Additionally, if you do not
need or do not wish to use a detector to make a measurement, that specific detector may be
turned off.

Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference