Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual

Page 131

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3  Programming the Analyzer

STATus Subsystem

Using a Status Register

Each bit in a register is represented by a numerical value based on its location. See figure below.
This number is sent with the command to enable a particular bit. If you want to enable more than
one bit, you would send the sum of all the bits that you want to monitor.

Figure: Status Register Bit Values

Bit 15 is not used to report status.

Example 1:

1. To enable bit 0 and bit 6 of standard event status register, you would send the command *ESE

65 because 1 + 64 = 65.

2. The results of a query are evaluated in a similar way. If the *STB? command returns a decimal

value of 140, (140 = 128 + 8 + 4) then bit 7 is true, bit 3 is true and bit 2 is true.

Example 2:

1. Suppose you want to know if an Auto-trigger Timeout occurs, but you only cared about that

specific condition. So you would want to know what was happening with bit 10 in the Status
Questionable Integrity register, and not about any other bits.

2. It’s usually a good idea to start by clearing all the status registers with *CLS.

3. Sending the STAT:QUES:INT:ENAB 1024 command lets you monitor only bit 10 events, instead

of the default monitoring all the bits in the register. The register default is for positive
transition events (0 to 1 transition). That is, when an auto-trigger timeout occurs. If instead,
you wanted to know when the Auto-trigger timeout condition is cleared, then you would set the

Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference