Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual
Page 543

6 RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference
Standard Path
This path gives the best remote-control throughput, minimizes acoustic noise from switching and
minimizes the risk of wear in the hardware switches, particularly in remote test scenarios where
both low band and high band setups will follow in rapid succession.
In this path, the bypass of the low band/high band switch and microwave preamp is never
activated, which can cause some noise degradation but preserves the life of the bypass switch.
Key Path
AMPTD Y Scale, µW Path Control
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Standard Path
Initial S/W Revision
µW Preselector Bypass
This key toggles the preselector bypass switch for band 1 and higher. When the microwave presel
is on, the signal path is preselected. When the microwave preselector is off, the signal path is not
preselected. The preselected path is the normal path for the analyzer.
The preselector is a tunable bandpass filter which prevents signals away from the frequency of
interest from combining in the mixer to generate in-band spurious signals (images). The
consequences of using a preselector filter are its limited bandwidth, the amplitude and phase
ripple in its passband, and any amplitude and phase instability due to center frequency drift.
Option MPB or pre-selector bypass provides an unpreselected input mixer path for certain X-
Series signal analyzers with frequency ranges above 3.6 GHz. This signal path allows a wider
bandwidth and less amplitude variability, which is an advantage when doing modulation analysis
and broadband signal analysis. The disadvantage is that, without the preselector, image signals
will be displayed. Another disadvantage of bypassing the preselector is increased LO emission
levels at the front panel input port.
Key Path
AMPTD Y Scale, µW Path Control
Key is blanked if current mode does not support it.
Key is grayed out if mode supports it but current measurement does not support it.
Key is blank unless Option MPB is present and licensed. If SCPI command sent when MPB not
present, error –241, "Hardware missing; Option not installed" is generated.
Readback Text
µW Preselector Bypass
Initial S/W Revision
Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference