Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual
Page 617
6 RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference
Remote Command
[:SENSe]:FEED:AREFerence REF50|REF4800|OFF
FEED:AREF REF50 selects the 50 MHz amplitude reference as the signal input.
FEED:AREF REF4800 selects the 4.8 GHz amplitude reference as the signal input
FEED:AREF OFF turns the calibrator "off" (switches back to the selected input – RF or I/Q)
Selecting an input (RF or I/Q) turns the Calibrator OFF. This is true whether the input is selected
by the keys or with the [:SENSe]:FEED command.
The 4.8 GHz internal reference is only available in some models and frequency range options. If
the 4.8 GHz reference is not present, the 4.8 GHz softkey will be blanked, and if the REF4800
parameter is sent, the analyzer will generate an error.
When one of the calibrator signals is selected, the analyzer routes that signal (an internal
amplitude reference) to the analyzer, and changes the main input selection to RF so the
calibrator signal can be seen. When you turn the calibrator off it does not switch back to the
previously selected input.
State Saved
Saved in instrument state
Off, 50 MHz, 4.8 GHz
Initial S/W Revision
Prior to A.02.00
Remote Command
:CALibration:SOURce:STATe OFF|ON|0|1
For ESA backwards compatibility.
In the ESA the calibrator was a separate output which you connected to the input and switched
on with this command.
In the X-Series, the ON parameter is aliased to the [SENSe]:FEED:AREF REF50 command and the
OFF parameter is aliased to [SENSe]:FEED:AREF OFF.
When CALibration:SOURce:STATe? is received, 1 will be returned if any of the references is
selected and 0 if the Calibrator is "Off"
Initial S/W Revision
Prior to A.02.00
50 MHz
Selects the 50 MHz internal reference as the input signal.
Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference