Measure at marker – Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual
Page 751
6 RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference
Marker Function
Measure at Marker
This key and all the keys in this menu only appear with the N6141A or W6141A application or
when Option EMC is installed and licensed.
Key Path
Marker Function
The Measure at Marker menu is not available in Spectrogram.
Initial S/W Revision
Measure at Marker
When this key is pressed, the analyzer executes one Measure at Marker function and then
returns. Measure at Marker goes to the frequency of the selected marker and takes a reading with
each of the three detectors selected in the Detectors menu, using the dwell times specified there,
then displays the readings in a window on the display, using the current Y-Axis Unit.
When the Measure at Marker is complete, the analyzer restores all settings to their pre-Measure-at-
Marker values and normal sweeps resume.
Key Path
Marker Function, Measure at Marker
Remote Command
Performs a Measure at Marker function at Marker 2’s current frequency and, when completed,
returns the results of the measure at marker window in a query
This query command returns comma separated values for the 3 specified detectors and the
frequency value of the marker. If a Detector is off or if no measurement has yet completed, –
999.0 will be returned. This can happen, for example, if you are operating with too large a value
of (span/sweep points) and the Measure at Marker function does not execute but instead puts
up the advisory message, “Span per point too large, narrow span or increase RBW or number of
points” (see below).
The size of the return data array is fixed at 4. The elements are:
1. Detector 1 value ( if off, –999.0 for backwards compatibility)
2. Detector 2 value ( if off, –999.0 for backwards compatibility)
3. Detector 3 value ( if off, –999.0 for backwards compatibility)
4. Frequency of Marker
If a sweep is in process when this function executes it aborts, and restarts after the function is
Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference