Margin" on – Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual
Page 809
6 RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference
Meas Setup
:CALC:LLIN:DESC “European Emissions”
60 characters max
“” (null String), not affected by Mode Preset, preset by Restore Mode Defaults.
State Saved
Saved in instrument state.
As much of the description will fit on one line of the key, followed by “…” if some of the
description will not fit on one line of the key.
Initial S/W Revision
Sets an ASCII comment field,which will be stored in an exported file. Can be displayed in the
active function area by selecting as the active function, if desired to be in a screen capture. The
Limits .csv file supports this field.
Key Path
Meas Setup, Limits, Properties
Remote Command
:CALCulate:LLINe[1]|2|...6:COMMent "text"
:CALC:LLIN1:COMM "this is a comment"
60 characters max
“” (null String), not affected by Mode Preset, preset by Restore Mode Defaults.
State Saved
Saved in instrument state.
As much of the description will fit on one line of the key, followed by “…” if some of the
description will not fit on one line of the key.
Initial S/W Revision
Selects a margin for this limit, which will cause a trace to Fail Margin when the trace is between
the limit line and the margin line. Portions of the traces which pass the limit but fail the margin
will be displayed in an amber color.
A margin is always specified in dB relative to a limit – an upper limit will always have a negative
margin, and a lower limit will always have a positive margin. If a value is entered with the
incorrect sign, the system will automatically take the negative of the entered value.
If the limit type is switched from lower to upper while margin is present, the margin will reverse
Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference