Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual
Page 1349
6 RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference
DET AVER Sets detector to average for all traces
DET:FUNC? Returns trace 1’s detector setting
This is a SCPI only legacy command to preserve the classic functionality wherein all traces are
affected when a detector is selected (in the X-Series, the detector is set on a per-trace basis).
The query returns a name that corresponds to the detector type as shown below, and indicates
the setting for Trace 1.
The RMS selection sets the detector type to AVERage and the Average Type to RMS. Therefore if
RMS has been selected, the query will return the “AVER” string.
The EPOS selection sets the detector type to Peak and the EMI Standard to CISPR. A query will
then return POS
The MPOS selection sets the detector type to Peak and the EMI Standard to MIL Impulse. A
query will then return POS
The RAV parameter is not included in the command because this is not a legacy detector;
nonetheless, if it happens to be the detector on Trace 1 then RAV will be returned.
String ReturnedDefinition
NORM =Normal
AVER =Average / RMS
POS =Positive peak
SAMP =Sample
NEG =Negative peak
QPE =Quasi Peak
EAV =EMI Average
RA =RMS Average
State Saved
Saved in instrument state
Backwards Compatibility
1. In ESA and E7400, selecting QPD or EMI Average sets the Amplitude Scale Type to Linear and
performs an auto-ranging function resulting in the Reference Level being adjusted such that
the highest level of the trace is near (but below) the Reference Level. Subsequent selection of
Peak, Negative Peak, Sample, or Average (the 'non-EMI Detectors') will return the Reference
Level and Amplitude Scale Type to their pre-EMI Detector values. The X-Series does not
perform this scale and reference level change because the digital IF makes it unnecessary..
2. The commands which select the CISPR detectors are not generally compatible with pre-PSA
instruments, because the CISPR detectors are now part of the overall detector set, rather than
a separate set. However, the basic behavior of coupling the resolution bandwidth to the
selected detector is similar to the behavior of previous EMI analyzers, like the E4400B series.
3. In the past, selecting Auto Couple All did not change the selected CISPR detector. Now, since
the CISPR detectors are part of the full set of detectors, pressing Auto Couple All will switch
Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference