Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual

Page 661

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6  RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference


Digital Bus

This menu allows you to configure the LVDS connector located on the rear panel of the
instrument. It is a unidirectional link of real time data at a 90 MSa/s rate. The ADC is sampling a
22.5 MHz IF.

The data that appears on this port is raw, uncorrected ADC samples, unless you have option
RTL.  With option RTL, you get fully corrected I/Q data.

This connector will only be active when the Narrowband IF Path is currently in use.

Key Path

Input/Output, Output Config

Initial S/W Revision


Bus Out On/Off

When Bus Out is on, all acquisitions are streamed to the output port including acquisitions for
internal purposes such as Alignment. The internal processing and routing of acquisitions
continues as usual and is unaffected by the state of Bus Out.

When Bus Out is off, no signal appears on the LVDS port.

Key Path

Input/Output, Output Config, Digital Bus


Mode Global

Remote Command

:OUTPut:DBUS[1][:STATe] ON|OFF|1|0





This is unaffected by a Preset but is set to Off on a "Restore Input/Output Defaults" or "Restore
System Defaults -> All"

State Saved

Saved in Input/Output State

Initial S/W Revision

Prior to A.02.00

Modified at S/W


I/Q Cal Out

The Baseband I/Q "Cal Out" port can be turned on with either a 1 kHz or a 250 kHz square wave.
This can be turned on independent of the input selection. A Preset will reset this to Off.

Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference