Signal track (span zoom), Signal track (span zoom)" on – Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual

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6  RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference

SPAN X Scale

If this key is pressed while in a nonzero span, and the previous value of span was 0, it will put
the analyzer back in Zero Span. And if it is pressed while in zero span, it will set the analyzer
back to its last nonzero span.

Pressing Last Span places the analyzer in Center/Span frequency entry mode.

Key Path

SPAN X Scale

Remote Command



FREQ:SPAN:PREV Sets the span to the previous value


n /a


If the electrical attenuator is enabled, any attempt to set Span such that the Stop Frequency
would be >3.6 GHz results in an error.

Initial S/W Revision

Prior to A.02.00

Signal Track (Span Zoom)

When Marker 1 is placed on a signal and Signal Track is pressed, the marker remains on the
signal while the analyzer retunes the center frequency to the marker frequency. The analyzer
keeps the signal at the center of the display, as long as the amplitude of the signal does not
change by more than +/–3 dB from one sweep to another. If Marker 1 is not in Normal or Delta,
turning on Signal Track sets it to Normal, perform a peak search, and center the marker on the


"More Information" on page 1150


Key Path

SPAN X Scale

Remote Command

:CALCulate:MARKer:TRCKing[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1



CALC:MARK:TRCK ON Turns on Signal Track using Marker 1.



Signal Track is associated with Marker 1. When marker 1 is turned off or set to Fixed, signal
track is turned off as well.

Signal Track is not available (grayed out) when Source Mode=Tracking. 

Signal Track is not available (grayed out) when Signal ID = on. 

Signal Track and Continuous Pk cannot be used with each other. If one is on, the other is grayed
out. .

Signal Track is grayed out if in Zero Span. 

But if Zero Span is entered while in Signal Track, Signal Track is turned off.

Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference