Show logging raslog – Brocade Network OS Command Reference v4.1.0 User Manual
Page 954
Network OS Command Reference
show logging raslog
show logging raslog
Displays the internal RASlog buffer of the switch.
show logging raslog [attribute attribute] [blade blade] [count count] [message-type type] [reverse]
[severity severity] [rbridge-id rbridge-id]
attribute attribute
Filters output by message attribute. Valid attributes include FFDC and VCS.
blade blade
Displays for the specified blade only. Valid values for blade include MM1,
MM2, and LC[1-8].
count count
Specifies the number of messages to display.
message-type type
Filters the output by message type. Valid message types include DCE or
severity severity
Filters the output by message severity. Valid severity levels include the
following: critical, error, info, and warning.
Displays the messages in reverse order.
rbridge-id rbridge-id
Executes the command on the specified switch.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC mode
Use this command to display the RASLog messages stored in the system. Use the filters to
customize the output.
Usage Guidelines
This command is supported only on the local switch.
The RASLog messages contain the module name, error code, and message details.
To display all RASLog messages stored in the system:
switch# show logging raslog
NOS: 3.0.0
2012/05/25-17:37:15, [LOG-1003], 1, M1, INFO, VDX8770-4, SYSTEM error log has
been cleared
2012/05/25-17:38:32, [SEC-1203], 3, M1, INFO, sw0, Login information: Login
successful via TELNET/SSH/RSH. IP Addr:
2012/05/25-17:42:54, [SEC-1203], 4, M1, INFO, sw0, Login information: Login
successful via TELNET/SSH/RSH. IP Addr:
2012/05/25-17:43:12, [IPAD-1002], 5, M1, INFO, VDX8770-4, Switch name has been
successfully changed to dutA1-sw0.
2012/05/25-17:51:42, [FW-1439], 180, M1, WARNING, dutA1-sw0, Switch status change
contributing factor Switch offline.
(output truncated)